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OAS Virtual Fitness Club 

Terms and Condition
One Active Space (OAS) Virtual Fitness (VF) Program
Terms and Condition



The OAS Virtual Fitness Program (herein referred to as “The Program”) is managed by Active Global Fitness Pte Ltd (herein referred to as “The Program Organiser”). 




By participating in the online sessions, participant would deem to have represented that they are physically and mentally able to participate and have no physical or mental conditions that would endanger his or her own life or make the participation unsafe or dangers to themselves or others. And when in doubt, they should have consulted their doctor before participating.


The participant would also acknowledge that, in participating in the Program, they will not hold trainers or the Program Organizer liable for any personal injury or death arising his or her participation in the Program, or for any loss or damage to their property arising from the participation.




In optimising cost efficiency and user interface and experiences, the Program will be hosted in a third-party payment platform. 


The Program uses and Zoom to administer its program payment and online communication.  Hence participants will also be subjected to their usage terms and conditions. The following are key, but not limited to, Program client-related information:


a. Use of Wix app


Wix app is a free app for the end-users. Clients will only pay for services they booked. When a booking is made, we will charge our clients based on the type of training packaged booked i.e. Annual or bundle package. The admin fee for the credit cards or online service payment agencies is included as part of the Training Fee.


b. Payment Facility


Wix utilises STRIPE payment gateway for a safer and more secured credit card payment. There is not direct or NETS payment facility. Payment made using the Wix account will not be refunded due to the admin fee [Subject to prevailing charges of payment gate way. Current admin charge is 3.4% of total bill + $0.50 per transaction (correct as at 1 Aug 2020).] involved in the use of STRIPE payment gateway for credit card payment. There is also no reversion facility in Wix account to administer refund directly to clients.


Any request for refund will be made directly to the Program Organizer for consideration on a case-to-case basis. Upon approval, the refund will be made pro-rated where application and less the admin fees incurred.


c. Use of Zoom app


Zoom is also a free app for end-users. Users will be assigned with a unique meeting ID upon successful booking. Participants may be required to provide their contact number for attendance accounting purpose.




The Program pricing policy consideration is to ensure that the fitness programs are competitively priced and minimizing the need for hefty upfront payment by clients. Fitness packages are developed mainly to leverage on the benefits of economy of scale.


a. Single Session Ticket


The Single Session Ticket is used for payment of single participation of a specific program. There will be no refund for single session tickets. Cancelled sessions cannot be re-used for booking of other programs.


b. Annual Package


The annual packages are one-time purchase for unlimited use of prescribed programs within a specified period i.e. 12-month or 6-month package. Subscriber is allowed to choose programs specified under the pricing menu and make to book any sessions within the validity period. In event of package cancellation, refund will be made by the Program Organizer based on the balance number of unused month(s).


c. Bundle Package


The bundle package is fixed number sessions package for specified programs i.e. 40-session and 20-session package and within a specified validity period. Subscriber is allowed to choose programs specified under the pricing menu and make to book sessions within the validity period. In event of package cancellation, refund will be made by the Program Organiser based on the unused number of sessions.


d. Free Trial Package


The free trial package is fixed number of complimentary sessions package for specified programs and over a specified period of time. The package must be utilised within the specified validity period.  Unused sessions cannot be encashed or added to other paid packages.  


GST Management. The Program Organiser is a GST-registered company. However, in maintaining program and pricing attractiveness, the GST will be included in the listed price. This arrangement is subject to review on an annual basis.




The following are possible scenarios for online program cancellation and management measures:


a. Booking Cancellation by Client


Clients have the discretion to cancel their training booking before the training session commence. For cancellation made with bundle package, one session will be auto-credited back to client’s account upon successful cancellation. For single-session ticket, cancelled session will not be used for booking of other programs.


b. Program Cancellation by the Program Organizer


Not limiting to trainer absentee, system failure of online facility and other unforeseen circumstances that warrants the cancellation of program and programs with less than 8 participants, the organization shall have the prerogative to cancel the online program. Under such circumstances, the Organizer will return session credit to the clients, including the single session tickets.




Attendance will be taken for random verification of client’s participation status. For accounting of attendance, screen grab of participants will be taken at the start and/or end of the session for verification against the attendance report generated by the online platform i.e. Zoom.


Verifications will be made with the reconciliation of the screen grab and Zoom attendance report. Participants without valid program packages will be required to purchase a single session ticket or any of the program package. Repeated offenders will be barred from attending the program and subjected to removal from session by the trainer.




Clients who wish to provide feedback or request for assistance is encouraged to contact the Program Organiser at or OAS Hotline at (+65)8299 1880. 


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