Active Global Fitness
Whistleblowing Policy
Start up in 2017, Active Global Fitness aspires to create a commonplace where the Trinity; fitness trainers, fitness space owners and fitness seekers optimise their potential as a community.
Beginning with an end in mind, AGF would endeavour to deliver the SITC with its 3P Fitness Outcome.
Purposeful – Participants who engages AGF programs must feel that the programme purposefully designed and conducted fitness program is useful them and effective. This sense of purpose will be beneficial to reinforce efforts to strengthen intrinsic motivation of participants in putting in their best effort and encourage continued fitness behaviours.
Professional – Participants must be assured that the AGF program is conducted by professionally qualified trainers and that the trainings are professionally conducted. Beyond the assurance of service delivery and meeting training outcome, the professional conduct of training is the linchpin in levelling up the standard of fitness industry.
Positive Experience – Participants’ positive experience in the AGF program is of paramount importance for continued behaviour and sustaining habits. have direct impact on participant’s experience.
Reportable suspected wrongdoings include but are not limited to:
1. Misconduct relating to financial reporting, accounting or other financial matters;
2. Corruption, misappropriation or blackmail;
3. Unprofessional and unethical conduct;
4. Conflict of interest without disclosure;
5. Any criminal offence or failure to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation;
6. endangerment of the health and safety of an individual;
7. Concealment of any of the above.
Active Global Fitness has in place a whistle blowing policy and procedures to encourage employees and external parties to raise genuine concerns in good faith, related to any aspect of our operations without fear of reprisal, discrimination or adverse consequences.
All concerns or cases reported to the company will be treated sensitively and promptly investigated. The company will acknowledge receipt of the case if contact details are available. Depending on the nature of the case, the company reserves the right to refer the case to appropriate external regulatory authorities.
Please report any concern and information supporting the concern via email to or by post to our office as follows:
Private & Confidential
Attention of Chairman of Audit Committee, Active Global Fitness,
114, Lavender Street, #09-88, CT Hub. Singapore 338729